* : ǹ ̸ ϸ ֻ ƼŸ VERY GOOD condition ǰ(ŵǰ) * Ư ¡ : ䷹(for 8 waveforms) * 밭 : General Description: Dual trace, 50 MHz bandwidth scope. 25 million samples-per-second, 40 ns glitch capture capability. 3 2/3 digit, 3000-count digital multimeter. Menu-driven operator interface for easy operation. Storage of 10 front panel setups(meter and scope modes) allows for semi-automated operation. Digital storage for 8 waveforms. Simultaneous display of 4 waveforms (any combination of live and stored) allows for useful comparisons. Auto Set configures ScopeMeter to select best voltage and time base setting for a meaningful display. Undo feature allows you to step back through the 10 most recent key presses. Tilt stand. * : ǰAC(220V). ǰPM8918 Ǫ 2. Ʈ 1Ʈ. 2.ũ 2(Ŀġ) ǰ Ǽ * : 50-----------------45
****** (053)425-9626, 010-3055-0782 ********* ߾ȸ: 708-12-193590 : (e-mail: daeguge@naver.com)