Yokogawa / Digital Power Meter / WT210
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\340,000/MON | \102,000/WEEK | \26,000/DAY |
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Maximum input with assured accuracy: 26A Basic accuracy: 0.1% Dc measurements: 0.5 Hz to 100 kHz frequency range. Compact design. (half-rack size) 5mA range for very low current measurements. (model WT210 only) Line filter function. High-speed data update. (as fast as 10 readings per second) Harmonic measurement function available. Ultra calibration capability. Large-current measurement capability using external sensor input. Basic Characteristics. Comparison with Former Models.
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C1: GPIB C2: RS-232C EX1: External input 2.5/5/10V EX2: External input 50/100/200mV HRM: Harmonic measurement function DA4: 4ch DA output CMP: Comparator and D/A, 4ch each