Sunrise / Cable Analyzer / CM3000
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Optional DOCSIS 3.0 Integrated Modem • Fast 1 GHz Spectrum Analyzer with 1,000 MHz Span and 1 MHz to 30 kHz RBW • Field upgradeable to CM3800 with Sweep, Advanced Spectrum Analyzer and other options via simple firmware upgrades. • Future proof flexible and upgradeable DSP software defined receiver technology. • Ultra Fast Mini-Scan and Scan feature with tilt & Peak-to-Valley. • Integrated DOCSIS¢ç 2.0 analyzer with advanced 1 GHz SLM and QAM analyzer • WiFi 802.11g Wireless USB Adapter option • 6.4¡± full VGA, color touch screen (daylight visible) • Field replaceable 4+ hour continuous operation battery pack • BPI+ and PacketCable¢â digital certificates installed • Weather and shock resistant • Net-Tools: ping, trace, throughput and IP details via WiFi, Ethernet and cable modem • Additional applications for live search, Telnet, SNMP, FTP, Remote Desktop plus options for WiFi, Signature Capture and more
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CM3-13 Integrated DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem firmware for analysis of up to 8 downstream and 4 upstream bonded channels. CM3-QAM Graphic Constellation, Equalizer, Frequency Response and STATS measurements over time mode. CM3-USS Upstream Sweep Option 5 to 200 MHz. Field upgradeable. CM3-DSS Downstream Sweep Option. 5 to 1100 MHz. Field upgradeable. CM3-VoIP Option to add VoIP tests, including upstream and downstream MOS, R-factor, jitter, latency and lost packets. Also provides the ability to plug in a handset to place/receive calls. CM3-WiFi 802.11g Wireless USB Adapter adds WiFi connectivity. Test and validate in-home networks-trace, throughput, web browser, FTP, SNMP and more. CM3-SIGN Signature Capture software option to allow user to install custom agreements and collect customer signatures. CM3-CAD DXF and DWG Strand Map Viewer with Red-line function CM3-PSC Protective screen covers CM3-BAT Optional spare battery pack CM3-RVIEW Optional Remote Upstream realVIEW display from realWORX serve CM3-ATremote Remote optional software for remote control of AT2500 via network connection