
제목 : 4934A HP TIMS

내용 : * TIMS 4934A Op 001/J02                                            
 - Maker : HP
 - 검사장비 : CALIBRATOR (5100B) DMM

 1 . 외관 검사 : 파손부분이 없나 CHECK.
 2 . 기능 검사
  1) Receiver Frequency
         1. Connect the HP 4934A TRMT port to the RCV port.
         2. Set the HP 4934A as follows : 
                Measurement : LEVEL FREQ
                Transmitter (TRMT) Impedance : 600Ω
                Receiver (RCV) Impedance : 600Ω
                Display Mode : TRMT
                Transmitter Level : 0 dBm
                Transmitter Frequency : 20㎐
         3. Set the Display Mode to RCV. Check the displayed frequency is 
between 19 and 21 ㎐.
         4. Set the transmitter frequency (Display Mode - TRMT) to each of 
the values in the following tavle and check that the displayed receiver 
frequency(Display Mode -RCV) is within limits.  
   2) RECEIVER와 TRANSMITTER를 아래와 같이 연결한다.


  • 글번호 : 4
  • 작성자 : webmaster
  • 날 짜 : 2005-09-01
  • 조회수 : 228445
  • 첨부파일 :
  • 태그 : 없음


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